Bit of fencing, a bit of door....

 The fencing went well, and then the ten minutes I thought the door would take took a couple of hours instead.

It's not the Chappa'ai I used to have in my old bathroom, but it's good enough for free, and the gold paint seemed to turn out good.
Here's the door before the two hours it took to get the hinges back into the door, as the holes needed some help, as in wood and gorilla glue to make the screws hold in the holes.
Lock parts I need to put back together. and the hinges.
Here's the first two rows of barbed wire, need to install the mesh stuff at the bottom, to keep the critters from bur-roughing under, cats from jumping through. 
Here we go, keep it tight, and sharp.
And so it's not just barbed wire, I'm trying to train the bush onto the barbed wire to keep it from being just some barbed wire.
Here's the door with the hinges, still need to put the lock back together.
Not sure which pic shows the copper best.
Maybe it's this...


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