Combining projects to eliminate waste....

With the threat of rain an thunderstorms(oh yeah use electric tools outside when there's lightening), I was still able to get stuff done on the skirt for the house and use the cut off cement board to install four tiles at the threshold for the back door.
Also, was able to sweat some copper pipe to make my own shower curtain rod, the perfect size for the tub, or well just outside of the tub.
I just couldn't find any good round curtain rods for a clawfoot tub that looked like they would not only work, but didn't cost over $200.

 Here's without a flash, and it doesn't look to dark, I finished the right side skirt, still need to do the back, and I'll get around to the front one of these days.
 I hadn't gotten it partially installed in the ceiling yet, but here it is, yes I still need to clean the tub.
 Same time as the top pic but the flash didn't make it come out very well.
 Here's the tile, just four of them, but if I step into the house from outside I don't want to have wet on my wood floor.  That piece of copper pipe will go over the pex connected to the faucet to make it more solid, an easy to clean.
Closer shot, I think you can see the spacers I made myself.


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