Back to Texas...

Even after just a couple of days back, I missed this place, people are nicer here, and they don't steal your stuff, while it's in your hand.

But anywho, looks like the container hunt is going to take a while, so the burn barrel hunt is going to be higher on the list.
Got rid of the ugly chair and both of the ceiling fans, so they won't be smacking me in the head.  I have my own fixtures anyway, I like the more.
So with some things on hold, found a gym to join, that's within walking distance, so I have a place to shower while I renovate the house, and since I'm a vet, it was cheaper.
Bad news, it's been a while since I last did an upper body workout, so ouchy....
Nice girl at the Mcdonalds bought me a drink and an extra cheeseburger, I just bought something so I could use their wifi.
Took pics of the park across the street, started on the south end, then walked north...then took a pic of my house on the walk back.


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