
Showing posts from July, 2019

Wow things are really starting to come together....

Got a bed, now the awesome 65" tv, refrigerator is coming on saturday, it's like having an actual house, unlike 'paint huffer dude' across the way, I even have this stuff call running water, hot an cold... Soon to be even colder, and I'm one of those few people who knows how to use 'ice trays', never understood the magical appeal of an icemaker in the freezer that just takes up more room than necessary, and way more room than an ice tray.  As you can see, the 'Yuge' tv is in place, an it plays Nature Films really really well. Clock might be a bit off. This is the DVD cabinet, I added the wheels so I can get it out of the way easy, and get to the tv.

Time to assemble furniture....

Bedframe arrived yesterday, and didn't take too long to assemble, mattress is going to probably take a day to fully re-inflate. Curtains gently wafting curtains Doctor....are up in the 7.5' doorway, most of the time I'll leave them wide open, but when it's hot I can keep the cool in the bedroom, and when it's cold outside, won't have to heat the whole house.  You can see I put it up on feet, I had to make one for the center post, for some reason the people who make the feet don't realize that the bed comes with FIVE legs, not four, thankfully it was just a 4x4 to which I took two pieces of 2x4 an glued them together.  Curtains from the inside. Got to put the clown back up, but this is from outside the room. And hopefully the tv stand will get here tonight, and I can assemble that, an get a tv, to watch er, 'nature films', like the Discovery Channel only better.

There be floorin' going down...arrrrr....install the Plank!

Installing flooring in your underwear is probably not how Tommy Silva does it, or Norm, now that you have that frightening image in your head, here's the pretty. It took about an hour to get that first row straight, then sweated through several hours on the 4th to install seven rows, then a couple more today, as well as the underlayment. Here's that first row, installed a cleat in the doorway to the bedroom, to which I will install a 'spline' so that from the doorway I will go the other way with the flooring. Here's thursday night, tired. And here is today, with more underlayment, and a couple of rows, resting up for the weekend.